Thursday, February 26, 2009

me: youre going to hell
me: i should like pack
me: i dont even think i have clean clothes
pil: wow i thought you meant like pack
pil: because we're going to hell

Monday, February 23, 2009

Listen, I know a lot of our friends read this, so: someone told some girls Nikole's new blackberry number, they called us, and called my best friends some really terrible names - for no reason. Now, for some reason, they're making up lies that Pil called them saying shit, which she definitely did not. Everyone please just stop talking about it because it's getting thrown way out of proportion, while we have to watch these people I personally don't even know talk about us and say really mean things every day since then on facebook. It's not fair, and I just want it to stop. So please, stop.


i saw a dead seagull that was ripped apart into shreds by a hawk. right outside of my favorite spot at the mall. i fear my life.

bitch is crazy.

apparently, there are creepier people out there than me, sam, stef, and nikole.
who would've thought?
stop lurking our blog.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i think the four of us need to get jobs here.

it's not damn burger.

i die every time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


a crow dropped a fucking pretzel on my head. true story.


lets get ready girls!!!@$#@@!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

well were smart

me: idk what comerdy centrail is
pil: comerdy centrail?
pil: really
me: yes
me: LOLOL i didnt even mean to sound asian
pil: hahah that is not why i said really
me: LOLOL oh

creepers creeping

Saturday, February 14, 2009

the best thing ever.


it's too exshpenshive.



i love my valentines<3


valentines day, now lets all get laid and toast to our friendship!


valentines day, loves of my life.

thank you stef for pointing out that today is a day for loving your friends also!

so to you three lovely ladies, enjoy yourselves today!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

dear friends

please tell my other friends (the few that i have,) or maybe some secret admirer that has a matching jewelery set, that i would like these for my birthday.

Jeffrey Campbell Crosshatch Platform $198


The Tank.

PS. I'm a 7 1/2.

i must admit

that it was a nice surprise to come home from a horrible day at work and see how pretty our blog is now. i also love how we already have over 40 views. we all know you're lurking, helmet head. =]

toss your salad

we all know who this is for, congratulations Samantha!!

im a im a freaky girl.

tha creeps.